Just Ask


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“Just Ask seems a simple request, like a subtle nod or tip of the hand, an invitation to consider her view: of neglected gardens, unlocking the library door or coyotes wailing like mystic horns…you see it right there in front of you, or somewhere in-between.”
—Jeffrey Riordan Hinich, Author of Waking with Thoreau: Lungs of the Planet and Other Possibilities, Dreamthology

Life-long poet and storyteller, Rochelle Wildfong has been the Children’s Librarian at the Meekins Library in Williamsburg, Massachusetts for over 30 years. A Midwest transplant, she now lives in the green hills of Ashfield, Massahusetts.

Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .5 in
Levellers Press