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“Which movie star do I look like?” fourteen-year-old Danielle wondered as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Travel with her on her odyssey of discovery as she becomes an adult, launches a career, meets the love of her life, learns about her parents, her grandparents, her great grandparents. What truths will she pass on to her daughter? This family’s intriguing story, their secrets, their fears, their strengths, is the story of race in the United States. Jerusha is a novel that makes history come alive.”
—Phyllis Nahman, Professor Emerita, English and Women’s Studies Greenfield Community College, Massachusetts

“A standing ovation for Jerusha, the new historical novel by Dolores McCullough! A finely written account of race relations in America! At the center of this tightly integrated narrative is Danielle McKinnon, daughter of a white mother and a black father. For this reader perhaps the most revealing scenes in the book occur at Central West High School where Danielle teaches Literary Arts and where she daily navigates a labyrinth of subtle discriminations.
—Charles Wilbert, playwright in residence at Southern New Hampshire University

Weight 1 lbs
Levellers Press